Architecture is the art of imagination, aesthetics and beauty. It can be improved by way of training but not imparted. Same time imagination, aesthetics and beauty is not restricted to any class of people even after training or education.
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A layman & or educated artist can’t design structural elements of building, also he can’t consider & incorporate structural safety & feasibility, techno-economic, techno–environmental, Vaastu concepts simultaneously while designing a building or house.
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Interior design is the art and science of enhancing the interior of a building to achieve a healthier and more aesthetically pleasing environment for the people using the space.
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Landscape design is an independent profession and a design and art tradition, practiced by landscape designers, combining nature and culture.
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Ancient sages of India laid down several principles for constructing buildings taking advantage of the nature, the Panch Bhootas namely (Earth, Space, Air, Fire and Water)
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Construction management is a professional service that uses specialized, project management techniques to oversee the planning, design, and construction of a project.
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Besides the Engineering & Architectural Consultancy We are also specialized in the integrated development consultancy services covering a wide range of services like identification of Economic Themes, Feasibility Study, Master Planning, Project Preparation, identification of developers and marketing specially for village & Rural Development with core concept of Environmental, social,cultural & spiritual values too. Our Project Planning services cover planning, urban design, residential development, optimum use of water & treatment/reuse/recycle of waste water along with harvesting of rain water, The challenges of co-locating residential and commercial areas with other community and social infrastructure keeping in tune with the changes in technology and lifestyle are met with to the entire satisfaction of the client.
The brief of our services as follows
Built your house without any Pre tension & or Post tension…. Follow The VAASTU SCIENCE.
Ancient sages of India laid down several principles for constructing buildings taking advantage of the nature, the Panch Bhootas namely (Earth, Space, Air, Fire and Water) gravitational & magnetic effects and rotational influences of Sun, Moon, Earth and other planets on the life on earth with a view to bring balance and harmony between man, nature & his buildings and therby ensuring peace prosperity & and happiness. These principles are very valuable for the well being of mankind. According to Shastras, if we worship, rever and respect the lord of these directions they will shower on us their blessings and benefits.
Ishan is Ishwar (North-East) - He grants us wisdom, knowledge and serve all comforts and relieves us from sufferings.
Indra (East) -He is the king of angles. He gives wealth and all pleasures of life.
Agni/Fire (South–East) - He gives us beautiful personality and all the best of life.
Yamaa or Yamaha (South) - He is god of death. He is embodiment of dharma. He eradicates evils and grants all good things.
Nissan or Niruti (South-West) - He vanishes fear about our enemies.
Varun (West) - He is god of rain. He shower his blessings through rain & bring prosperity & pleasure in life all round.
Vayu/Wind (North-West) - He bestows on us long life, health & strength. He is basic of all life.
Kuber (North) - He is god of wealth. He grants us wealth and all comforts of life.
The VASTU is a science, founded upon the laws of nature therefore in othe words we may say Vastu is the eternal rule of the nature and ignorance of law is not an excuse anywhere .Like for even accurately balanced automobiles, deflation in any one of the tyres have some negative effects on it and in worst case of deflation & or ignorance it may even cause a serious accident. Similarly when a building is constructed without observing the rules of nature, it have some negative effects & shadow of one or more negative effects on day to day activities may result in various disease, calamities and on dominance of of negative factor even accidents may occur and therefore it has no place for any logic, doubt or the Role of Vastu Science in 21st Century.
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