
ARCHINEERS NETWORK is a consultancy bureau having group of professionals Engineers, Architects & experts/ associates of diversified field of expertise with a successful track record of association to their respective field & serving the society with their technical expertise for more than a decade.

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Our Services

Architectural Design

Architectural Design

Structural Design

Structural Design

Interior Design

Interior Design

Landscape Design

Landscape Design
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Built your house without any Pre tension & or Post tension…. Follow The VAASTU SCIENCE

A Science of Energy Balance & harmony between man , nature & his buildings ensuring peace , prosperity and happiness

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About Architecture

Architecture is the art of imagination, aesthetics and beauty. It can be improved by way of training but not imparted. Same time imagination, aesthetics and beauty is not restricted to any class of people even after training or education. Even an uneducated layman, when he wish to create or construct a small dwelling or house always has an imagination of his fractured or even concept in his mind as per his present need & his future reference plan of life. The true professional may be an engineer/architect gives shape to it within the limits of building by laws & other factors applicable (as & where).

Engineering is a science with background of mathematical calculations. It has to be learnt. A layman & or educated artist can’t design structural elements of building, also he can’t consider & incorporate structural safety & feasibility, techno-economic, techno – environmental, Vaastu concepts simultaneously while designing a building or house. Engineers can imagine & plan the structure/house/building in a better way as they are backed by calculation ability of concerning scientific, mathematical, techno-economic & public health engineering—environmental & other related concepts. Their planning & designing is more economical, more rational, more practical & more safe as they conceive functional aspects & their application of all related requirements.

Do you need some more help Contact Us

Er. Ashok Singh

M.E. (Civil) Hons. | Chartered Engineer | Member Institution of Engineers (India) | Member Indian Society of Earthquake Technology

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