About us

ARCHINEERS NETWORK is a consultancy bureau having group of professionals Engineers, Architects & experts/associates of diversified field of expertise with a successful track record of association to their respective field & serving the society with their technical expertise for more than a decade.


With a mission statement that gives paramount importance to engineering excellence with great importance to incorporate Vastu science design applications, environmental impact of surrounding & inner placements, space for birds & relationship & impact on other livings of zone there. we take great pride in developing innovative solutions that will perfectly fit the functional and financial parameters set by our clients.


Our staff is a dynamic blend of experience and innovation. Most of our key staff have the requisite expertise and are equipped to provide state-of-the-art solutions to our clients' requirements. They also ensure a professional and ethical framework so that to develop sustainable and practical solutions of a project & delivered on time.


Besides the Engineering & Architectural Consultancy We are also specialized in the integrated development consultancy services covering a wide range of services like identification of Economic Themes, Feasibility Study, Master Planning, Project Preparation, identification of developers and marketing specially for village & Rural Development with core concept of Environmental, social,cultural & spiritual values too. Our Project Planning services cover planning, urban design, residential development, optimum use of water & treatment/reuse/recycle of waste water along with harvesting of rain water, The challenges of co-locating residential and commercial areas with other community and social infrastructure keeping in tune with the changes in technology and lifestyle are met with to the entire satisfaction of the client.

The brief of our services as follows

  1. Housing/Commercial/Institutional Projects.
  2. Interior, Furnishing & Facade Design.
  3. Promotion of Spritual, Yoga, Gaushala & Aarogya Centres as Community & Social Development Projects.
  4. Special Economic Zones & Eco Tourism for Village & Rural Development.
  5. Eco friendly Infrastructures.
  6. Environmental Impact Analysis ‘EIA’ of development projects.
  7. Consultancy services for Waste Management Systems
  8. Mass Plantation to improve ambient air quality
  9. Arboriculture & Landscape Development
  10. Low Cost Sanitation & Low Cost Housing by using Locally Available Materials.
  11. Renovation & Remodeling of Institutional Premises & Commercial/Public Utility Buildings.
  12. Vastu Science Rating/Design Applications in Housing & all above (1-11) Development Projects.

Do you need some more help Contact Us

Our Team


M.E. (Civil) Hons.

Chartered Engineer; Member-Institution of Engineers (India)

Member-Indian Society of Earthquake Technology

Expertise– Concept design with Vastu Science Applications/Rating, Optimum Space & Resource Utility

Structural Designs 'EIA' Disaster Management, Land & Water resources Development.

Experience 30 yrs.

Managing Director


M.E.(Civil) Hons.

Expertise- Documentation and Scanning, Data Keying, AM/FM Utility Applications, Land Information System, City Information System, Geological Resource Mapping, Mapping for Water Resources and Management, Location Based Services.

Experience 28 yrs



B.E. (Electronics & Instrumentation)

Master in Computer Applications

Expertise-Project Scheduling & Techno-Economic Programming

Experience 25 yrs




Expertise- Architectural Design, Interior Design. Rural Planning

Experience 5 yrs




Expertise- Architectural Design, Interior Design, Eco Tourism

Experience 2 yrs


Besides above team we also have efficient staff members as dynamic blend of experience and innovation to provide state-of-the-art solutions to our clients.

Along with panel of (PROMINENT EXPERTS of tech INSTITUTIONS) as our honorary advisors. again through our strong personal relations we are also capable to outsource expertise and establishments for associated field/allied services.

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