A Science of Energy Balance & harmony between man, nature & his buildings ensuring peace, prosperity and happiness
Here are some basic Tips that everyone should follow.
It is possible to apply all above along with functional utility, stability, durability & safety features etc.. By the way to follow Law of Nature i.e. VASTU SCIENCE along with building by laws & code of design i.e. NATIONAL BUILDING CODE OF INDIA.
Here I would like to say that one may be Vastu Shastri by reading books & tips but only an engineer can prudently apply VASTU SCIENCE with techno-economics, optimum space & resource utilization.
Never try the remedies without proper knowledge pool up. It is advisable that you must consult an engineer or a group of engineers/engineering firm having knowledge & practice of house planning , design as well as Vastu Sciience theories & it’s applications and have full respect & honor with commitment to follow National Building Code (along with associated other codes & references) as & where applicable.
We are pioneer to introduce this concept of VASTU RATING. Under this concept - location, orientation of all the elements of your home/building is recorded on drawing. The rated value of each macro group of utility units along with effects of micro elements within the units are derived. The cumulative result is defined as rating of House/Building.
To maximize the rating of house/ building, we explore the possibilities of renovation of house/building with respect to Vastu i.e. with equal considerations of functional utility, stability, durability, structural safety & technoeconomic features. Thereafter we may help you to schedule rectification with respect to your budget.
Orientation & placement of compass is upmost important to rate your house/building.
Some time even few degree of error may broadly affect the rating analysis.
Even some of the elements within the house or adjacent to house/ building influence & deviate ,the needle of compass variably depending on placement.
Best way to place a compass is to place it on computer by superimposing compass orientation on building plan with details of interiors.
For Public Awareness, On & behalf of ARCHINEERS NETWORK
To understand the answer of the question first we should understand ‘Prosperity‘ . The ability to cater & fix priority of prospects is called prosperity. Therefore Prosperity is the result of right thought, perception & evolution to act on prospects. The prospects & opportunities are not in our hand. The only way to cater opportunity in utility is our ability & when we live in house with surroundings as close to law of nature i.e. HOUSE AS PER VASTU certainly we would have better ability to do so. Therefore VASTU SCIENCE is helpful to gain PROSPERITY. Again it must be clear that prosperity is neither a physical commodity nor it means financial gain only.
VASTU SCIENCE is not a part of religion, but it is better assimilated & have better acceptance & understanding in a particular religion & some of it’s sects. The region behind it is the so called a ‘religion’ is originally a cultural evolution based on law of nature, called as science (i.e. within purview of our re-search) today & even something beyond science today i.e. The particular religion & culture ‘Hinduism‘ has carved the way & options to follow a part or more, in day to day life style to get an optimum benefits in the form of blessings of nature .
If you are able to realize or feel that the science of Vastu links the body (the microcosm) and the universe (the macrocosm) together with the eight elements (five physical elements & three forms of energies) . Therefore we are each a blueprint of the universe as seen through the composition of five elements supported by forms & potencies of energies. It is also a fact that the energies of all things are connected and moving in a precise universal dance. As a conclusion every one who is able to realize or feel as above can understand ‘VASTU SCIENCE‘ & once the concept is clear I think any religion is not a barrier for it’s acceptance & in contrary every religion directly or indirectly indicates to respect the nature i.e. to follow the law of nature.
Certainly Yes. Only difference is that our ancient science advice to explore the nature but today in background of science we are exploiting the nature & thereafter imposing other theory or hypothesis of science for restoring the exploited part while eroding another way to nature.
If you understand that theory of Vastu is purely scientific & the blend of engineering & analytical part with it, is must for an optimum output & application then you can also judge or remark who is competent & or better & that’s why…
Yes. Quite similar manner as in individual dwellings.
Yes, very much useful & effective .
Any of above can’t separated but for true applications the analysis & rating of existing or proposed structure w.r. to use has a priority over practical application in field on the basis of theory & norms.
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